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Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies.  He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II.

General Intercessions
Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary, Octave Day of Christmas
January 1, 2025
Presider: Today a light will shine on us, for the Lord is born for us and he will be called Wondrous God, Prince of peace, Father of future ages and his reign will be without end. With confidence in the presence of the Word, we offer our prayers to the Lord.

Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, strengthen our family with love.”


1.That Pope Francis, Bishop _________, clergy, religious, lay leadership, and catechists manifest in word and action Mary’s role as our Spiritual Mother, we pray...

2. That parents and grandparents accept their responsibilities to guide and encourage with patience the growth of faith in the Love of God with the new generation of sons and daughters, we pray...

3. That Mary, the Queen of Peace, influence statespersons, diplomats, and political leadership in promoting reconciliation among nations, prosperity to economically struggling nations, and the common good of all citizens, we pray...

4. That men look upon the role of St. Joseph as a model to treat with dignity and respect their spouses, daughters, and all women, we pray...

5. That all Christians choose their entertainments with respect for women. That men have the courage and wisdom to reject conversations and jokes that demean the roles and lives of women, we pray...

6. For healers of mental and physical illnesses, first responders, security professionals, and the military complete their services with kindness and respect, we pray...

7. That those who died this past week and dying this week are welcomed into the heavenly kingdom by our Brother, Jesus, the Christ. That the intention of this Mass, (list here) __________ is (are) remembered in our prayers at this Mass and during this week, we pray...

8. Let us add our personal intentions: (pause) Let us place these intentions on the altar with our gifts to God and the community that supports us, we pray...


Presider: Oh, Father, who in your kindness begins all good things and bring them to fulfillment, listen attentively to our petitions and be mindful of our fears and anxieties. Through the intercession of Mary, the mother of Jesus and our spiritual mother, bring us to an appreciation of the presence of your Son among us. Send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth in this beginning of our new year. We ask this in the name of your Son and our Brother, now and forever.


Response: Amen.

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  "Blessings on your preaching."

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