

Psalms: The Poetry of Prayer

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The Psalms were the prayers of ancient Israel.  They sustained them in times of great trial and during periods of peace and prosperity. Psalms are also an integral part of our Christian worship and personal prayer. Our retreat will include: daily Eucharist, periods of contemplative prayer, rituals, and reflections on the Psalms, along with poems that echo the spirit of the Psalms in our own day. Retreatants are invited to bring their Bibles, journals and, if they wish, one or more poems that have spoken to them on their faith journey.

This year Vallombrosa offers the retreat as an 8 day Retreat, a one weekend option, or a one day drop-in option. The one day of your choice is $70, the 2 night weekend rate for July 1 &2 with a single bedroom is $250, with a shared double room is $200. The 8 day retreat fees are $600 for a single, $500 for a shared double and $320 for commuter. All fee options include meals. Weekend option begins 4pm July 1 with dinner and ends 11 am July 3 with breakfast.

Patricia Bruno, O.P. Is a Dominican Sister of San Rafael. Sister Patricia writes a monthly scripture Internet article, “Stories Seldom Heard”, is a retreat director and has led preaching workshops in New Zealand, Australia and the United States.  She co-teaches a poetry writing class at Faithful Fools in San Francisco and volunteers with the Center for Justice and Accountability.

Fr. Jude Siciliano, O.P. lives in a Dominican community in Dallas, Texas. He is prior of his community and continues to do volunteer ministry at two local prisons. He has preached parish retreats as well as retreats for priests, religious, deacons and laity. For fourteen years he taught Homiletics at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Ca. At that time, he was also a volunteer chaplain at San Quentin Prison.

Fill in the registration form and mail it with payment option to Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Ave, Menlo Park, California, 94025. For questions contact David at (650) 325-5614.


I would like to reserve: * I want to register for full 8 day retreat & my option is ________________________

* Weekend Rate for Single Room, July 1& 2 - $250.00 *  Double room - Weekend July 1 & 2 - $200.00 * One Day Drop-In- $70.  Please note your day of choice


Name                                                                               Phone #                                 ____________________


Email _______________________________  Vegetarian or Food Allergies? ______________________________


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